Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu

This way out 2008; come right in 2009!
So, one more year is on the way out. In a few hours, we'll welcome a new year. And along with that new hopes, new goals, new resolutions and - most importantly - new prayers for a better world.
2008 was sure a happening year in terms of disasters. From the perspective of a typical Keralaite, it was another horrible year filled with innumerable harthaals, strikes, price hikes, accidents, murders, rapes...what not. I especially remember the Irikkur accident that killed 9 little kids and the Santhosh Madhavan affair.
From a national point of view, every Indian will forever connect 2008 with the terrorist attack on Mumbai. While India and Pakistan still continue to fire arguments and accusations over the issue, the obvious losers are the ones who have lost one more loved ones in the attack. Remember Sandeep Unnikrishnan - the brave major who fought till his last breath to save others? Another braveheart was a personnel of the Taj Hotel ( i don't remember his name) who lost his wife and 2 kids while trying to save the guests in the hotel. I salute the courage and sense of duty that he showed by rejoining work soon after.
The international outlook is more disheartening - the worldwide financial crisis, war in Israel, uprising in Tibet, the shoe attack on Bush, global warming,...
But as the saying goes - every cloud has a silver lining. So 2008 also brought a handful of good news - India's first individual gold medal at the Olympics, the rise of Barack Obama as US President, China's dominance at the Olympics,...
Finally, from a personal front, this is the year I began blogging. So, I felt I simply had to put up a post before the year ran out! I would like to thank everyone who have helped me or made my day - in ways big or small - this year.
Thank you Dodo for encouraging my blogging and providing great feedback.
Thank u Kuttan and Shaawin for visiting me and sharing a meal with my family.
Thank you Hafeela aunty and Aysha for still loving me.
Thank you Dad for still being so concerned about me. I love you.
Thank you Manu for loving me and tolerating me throughout this year!
Thank you Aman for filling my life with joy.....the list goes on.
Ok so it's time to show 2008 the way out and lay out the red carpet for 2009 (don't get so excited 2009, you will be similarly kicked out in 365 days!). 2008 wasn't a really great year; so let's hope 2009 proves better. I hope for more peace, better people, more greenery, less wars, no terrorism ( I know I'm being too ambitious) and of course more blogging!
Let's welcome 2009 with the ancient but very relevant words - Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu.
Happy New Year everyone!