Watermelons – True Juicy Delights!

As I wiped the sweat from my brow and took another gulp of chilled water, I couldn’t help wondering how much hot the day would get. Seriously, this global warming thing seems to be advancing faster than the scientific world assumes.
Unlike most parts of world, Kerala experiences just two kinds of seasons – it is either rainy or sunny. During monsoons, it just does not stop raining. The roads get flooded and muddy, sewers overflow and infectious diseases are full on. The situation makes one pray for one glorious, sunny day.
The sunny days are unbearably hot, dry and sweltering. The scorching sun seems intent on dehydrating everyone. Wells and ponds dry up, the price of vegetables and flowers shoots up and people seem unusually appreciative of the cool shade of trees.
Right now, it is dry and hot here. As I held my screaming baby and tried to prepare his meal at the same time, the heat was getting on my nerves. Just then I heard my husband’s bike screeching to a halt by the door. Manu had arrived for lunch. And he had a transparent plastic bag with a huge watermelon in it.
I sliced two large, semi-circular pieces of the fruit and placed it in the fridge before joining Manu at the dining table. As we finished lunch, the slices were nicely chilled. Each of us took one each. As I took one bite into that crunchy, juicy delight, I thanked God for creating something so sweet and wonderful. I relished each bite of the fruit, slowly savoring its sweet, juicy flavor. Having that one slice was so refreshing; it seemed to cool me from within.
I returned to the fridge and sliced out a few more pieces. After deseeding and chopping them up into bite-sized pieces, I transferred it to a colorful bowl. That’s for Aman who will be returning exhausted from play school. Aman loves watermelons.
Ayush has been watching me all this while. I think he wants to have a taste of that. Ayush cautiously sips a small piece of watermelon that I hold to his mouth. His face suddenly lights up. He looks at me, gives me a beautiful smile and continues with it.
Ok so the watermelon is proving to be a wonderful, rejuvenating force for all for us. No wonder God put it here for us. Thank you Lord for blessing us with this glorious, juicy delight. It surely makes these hot days more bearable.
Oh…I love watermelons. Do you?
An interesting watermelon fact: Check out this image of square watermelons. Here's the explanation for it that I found on the net.
'A round watermelon can take up a lot of room in the fridge. Smart Japanese farmers have forced watermelons to grow into square shapes by inserting the melons into square, tempered, glass cases while the fruit is still growing on the wine.'
Interesting isn't it?